“Why does my product data matter?”

High quality product data is the foundation of a successful e-commerce business. Accuracy and completeness drives consumer purchasing decisions because without the ability to physically touch a product, they can only build trust in a retailer or product if they believe the product information in the online catalog is truthful.

High quality product data is key to developing an effective e-commerce catalog. Invest in the quality of your product data and create a positive first impression to boosts sales while minimizing returns.

“What if my product data management system is working well for us?”

Utilizing the information in your product data management system, whether it’s a PIM, DAM, PDM, PDX or Excel document, is a good start, but it’s no guarantee that your catalog won’t be contaminated with poor quality product data. To ensure accuracy and completeness, the product information that is available to customers in your online catalog must be verified.

“Why do I need Truum?”

Truum is the complete solution for enhancing e-commerce strategies. It’s completely agnostic and able to evolve to meet the needs of your business while helping you to maintain the quality of your product data. It also complements your existing product data management system, whether it is a bespoke PIM or DAM or a homegrown solution, to improve the product data in your online store.

Truum automates the process of manually checking product data. This scalable digital shelf monitoring solution detects the bad product data points that lead to inaccuracies, incompleteness, and non-compliance. It goes beyond simple data flagging, utilizing SGS’s expertise in product testing and compliance to detect potential inaccuracies that other systems may miss.

Truum is the ultimate digital shelf monitoring solution 

It sees beyond the information in your product data management system to identify the problems that impact consumers and regulators. Backed by SGS’s world leading product knowledge, Truum is your route to higher quality product data and greater success in competitive e-commerce markets.

Choose Truum and say goodbye to bad product data and hello to more sales and fewer returns!